Welcome to CoCalc’s User Manual!
This explains in depth how you can work productively on CoCalc.
- Introduction
- Core Applications
- Signature Features
- Enhanced Capabilities
- User Interface
- Service Options
- How-tos
- Instructor Guide
- What to Expect as a Teacher
- Creating a New Course
- Upgrading Student Projects
- Restrict Student Projects
- Course Management
- Collaboration
- After the Course Ends
- FAQ, Tips and Tricks
- Peer Grading
- Teaching with nbgrader
- nbgrader for R
- CoCalc for Short Training Sessions
- Upgrading Student Projects (legacy version)
- Student Guide
- Troubleshooting
- Can’t Save File
- CoCalc says your clock is off
- Debugging connectivity issues
- Disk Space Warning
- File Too Large
- GAP Jupyter kernel not available
- Install compiled software
- Jupyter Kernel Terminated
- License Doesn’t Work
- Low Memory Problems
- Program Seems Slow or Stuck
- Question about Sage
- Recovering a Deleted File
- Recovering a Deleted Project
Indices, references and tables