Instructor Guide

There are several reasons why you should consider conducting a course on CoCalc:

  • Managed platform: no time is wasted setting up, maintaining, backing up and securing a flaky platform. Instead, you can sleep while CoCalc ensures everything runs smoothly 24/7.

  • Proven track record: CoCalc is used for teaching since 2013 in hundreds of courses by tens of thousands of students.

  • Student work is isolated: Each student does course work in a separate project. Group work is also possible if desired.

  • Focus on helping students: Jump right into a student’s file at any time, see editing history, attract attention from a side chat.

  • Control AI usage: Turn off AI integration for students, enable it only for basic troubleshooting, or leave the full integration - you decide.

  • Access GPUs and other powerful machines: Use compute servers when standard project resources are not sufficient.

  • Flexible billing: Pay for your students (with individual limits on compute servers) or let them pay for resources that you configure.


While the intention of this Instructor Guide is to cover all course management functionality in detail, its complementary Student Guide is kept short and simple, emphasizing the most important points for students, e.g. to make sure they are using the right email address. Please consider linking to it in your syllabus!