Files Toolbar

Here’s a tour of the Files Toolbar. It appears under the Project Toolbar when a project has been selected.

files toolbar just below the project toolbar

the files toolbar is just below the project toolbar

Use the Files Toolbar to work with files in the selected project. When you open a file, the name of the file appears in the Files Toolbar. When you select a file in the Toolbar, its contents are displayed in the browser.

From left to right:

files folder open icon Files

If you don’t have a file open, clicking here will show you a list of files in the project’s home directory. If you are working on a file, clicking Files will show a list of files in the directory containing the currently selected file. You can enter search characters to filter the file list for filenames containing the search text.

new file plus circle icon New

click to create or upload new files. New also lets you

browse the CoCalc Library, which contains code examples and entire books about various toolsets and science topics, ready to copy into your project.

log history icon Project Log

The Project Activity Log shows recent activity in your project:

logins, files opened and uploaded, etc. If you click on a filename in the log, it will open that file. This is often the quickest way to resume work on a file that was recently closed.

search magnifying glass icon Find

Search for files containing the specified text in the directory that contains

the currently selected file, or the project home directory if no file is selected. There are options to for searching subdirectories, case sensitive search, including hidden files, and restricting search to files in a git repository.

settings wrench icon Project Settings

See Project Settings.

processes microchip icon Processes

This panel offers a consolidated view of real-time activity within the current project. Use the Help toggle above the Memory column for details about this extremely useful panel. You can view use of CPU, memory, and disk space. There is a list of running processes, showing resource use by each and allowing you to terminate non-essential processes.

Processes tab. See information above.


The “Memory” column in the Table of Processes can help you track down out-of-memory problems.

Open Files

To the right of the Processes icon, a button appears for each file you have open. There are several ways to open a file in CoCalc:

To open chat, click comment icon. Side Chat for files

If a file is selected, you can click here to start text or video chat. Collaborators on the project will get a notification when chat is opened or updated.

To share, click lock icon. private / public status

If a file is selected, this button allows you to share it, or stop sharing. Files shared publicly can be viewed by people without a CoCalc login. You can see a list of all your shared files under Public files.