
  • id: A unique UUID for the query

  • project_id: id of project where command is to be executed (required)

  • path: path of working directory for the command (default: ““)

  • command: command to be executed (required)

  • args: command line options for the command (default: [])

  • timeout: maximum allowed time, in seconds (default: 10)

  • aggregate: If there are multiple attempts to run the given command with the same time, they are all aggregated and run only one time by the project; if requests comes in with a greater value (time, sequence number, etc.), they all run in another group after the first one finishes. Meant for compiling code on save.

  • max_output: maximum number of characters in the output

  • bash: if true, args are ignored and command is run as a bash command (default: false)

  • err_on_exit: if exit code is nonzero send error return message instead of the usual output (default: true)

Execute a shell command in a given project.


Simple built-in shell command.

curl -u sk_abcdefQWERTY090900000000: \
  -d command=pwd \
  -d project_id=e49e86aa-192f-410b-8269-4b89fd934fba \
==> {"event":"project_exec_output",

Shell command with different working directory.

curl -u sk_abcdefQWERTY090900000000: \
  -d command=pwd \
  -d path=Private \
  -d project_id=e49e86aa-192f-410b-8269-4b89fd934fba \
==> {"event":"project_exec_output",

Command line arguments specified by ‘args’ option. Note JSON format for request parameters.

curl -u sk_abcdefQWERTY090900000000: \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"command":"echo","args":["xyz","abc"],"project_id":"e49e86aa-192f-410b-8269-4b89fd934fba"}' \
==> {"event":"project_exec_output",
     "stdout":"xyz abc\n",

Limiting output of the command to 3 characters.

curl -u sk_abcdefQWERTY090900000000: \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"command":"echo","args":["xyz","abc"],"max_output":3,"project_id":"e49e86aa-192f-410b-8269-4b89fd934fba"}' \
==> {"event":"project_exec_output",
     "stdout":"xyz (truncated at 3 characters)",

Setting a timeout for the command.

curl -u sk_abcdefQWERTY090900000000: \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{"command":"sleep 5","timeout":2,"project_id":"e49e86aa-192f-410b-8269-4b89fd934fba"}' \
==>  {"event":"error",
      "error":"Error executing command 'sleep 5' with args '' -- killed command 'bash /tmp/f-11757-1677-8ei2z0.t4fex0qkt9', , "}

Notes: - Argument command may invoke an executable file or a built-in shell command. It may include a path and command line arguments. - If option args is provided, options must be sent as a JSON object. - Argument path is optional. When provided, path is relative to home directory in target project and specifies the working directory in which the command will be run. - If the project is stopped or archived, this API call will cause it to be started. Starting the project can take several seconds. In this case, the call may return a timeout error and will need to be repeated.