Billing/Upgrades FAQ

This page answers questions related to upgrading projects and billing.

To learn more about licenses, see Licenses.

Questions about projects are covered in Projects FAQ.


What is the difference between free and paid service?

Learn more about Trial Projects.

With licensed projects and other paid plans, the main differences are:

  • increased resource quotas

  • better quality of hosting

  • prioritized support.

We encourage you to make an account and explore our product for free. Other than lack of internet access for free projects, there is no difference in functionality between the free and for-pay versions of CoCalc. Everything is private by default for free users. You can make as many projects as you want. You can start teaching a course in CoCalc for free, then add a license later so that your students have a much better quality experience (for a small fraction of the cost of their textbook).

How do I get an invoice with specific information?

After purchasing, please email us at, reference what you bought, and tell us the payer’s name, contact information and any other specific instructions. We will then respond with a custom invoice for your purchase that satisfies your unique requirements.

Can I pay via wire transfer?

For purchases above $100 we support wire transfers. Please contact with all relevant details about your intended purchase.

The free servers really are massively overloaded, so it is well worth it to upgrade to member hosting, enable internet access, etc.

In case you’re teaching a course and bought a license to manage that course: please read 2. Apply a license to the course.

Quota upgrades

For more information about specific quota upgrades, see Upgrades